Saturday, December 19, 2015

Ice Skating Experience!

Today is 12/19/15. It was an AMAZING day. I have not been doing blogs often because of school and homework. :(  However, today was my first time ice skating! I did really good for the first time. At first I was like OMG and holding onto the edge of the arena. Next, I let go and followed the instructions Peppa Pig gave me when she did ice skating. (Baby show. Sorry) But it worked. Push, push and glide. I kept practicing for about 1 hour and went pretty fast! Except I fell down a couple of times. ;)

Ella was ALL over the place. She thought ice skating was so easy. "Mommy you push, push and glide. I learned that from Peppa Pig" Ella said to mommy. She was so scared on the ice. If mommy and daddy lets go of Ella's hand she just falls on the slippery ice.

So this was my AMAZING day. Right now it is 9:05 PM. 12/19/15. BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ella's Birthday

I know, it's been a long time until i didn't write a blog. I'm still 9 years old though. Ella is 6 now. Her birthday was November 5, same as my teacher Ms.M. I'm in 4th grade and Ella is in 1st grade. I got bad grades and Ella got good grades just because I homeschooled her on the computer and nobody did that. I think my next report card will be much better. It's 2:12 now and it's veteran's day so if I was at school, I wouldn't have been writing this blog right now. We have a disco light that came yesterday and opened some glow sticks so of course Ella was went berserk last night and she is still playing with the disco light and glow sticks today.

I have an addiction to Minecraft. I know some people think it's dumb, but I have reasons why it is the BEST GAME EVER. Ok, here we go. 1. On my scholastic news that my teacher gave the whole class to read for homework gave us reasons why Minecraft is educational. Teachers like it for geography. Children can discover new blocks compared to the real world. 2. This game is amazing. It's like you are in another world fighting mods. Pigs, sheep, cows, wolfs, and horses are mods too except they are animals. Zombies, skeletons, creepers, and slimes are monsters. THAT IS WHY MINECRAFT IS THE BEST GAME EVER. NO OTHER BEST GAME IN THE UNIVERSE I'M TELLING YOU GUYS NOW!!! :) bye bye.

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Jack and The Beanstalk Play...

Today was my Jack and The Beanstalk Play. Classes 3-223 and 3-228 were performing it. I'm in class 3-223.

I was in the chorus. I lipped sang because I didn't want anybody to hear me. So I only did the gestures and the hand movements. I was not that nervous. (But I really didn't like to sing, it was so embarassing!)

Today was an exciting day.

Monday, May 18, 2015

My birthday!

Today was my birthday. It was a great day. At the end of the day, it was bad.

Today it was a school day.(Boring) However, it was pretty fun. At recess, me and my friends played red light green light go. I played with my friends Giya, Bisma, and Serenity. Bisma got hurt because someone ran into her. Her face was bleeding and it was red. So she went to the nurse and then home. I just told my friends about my birthday (nobody else) because if I tell anyone else, they are going to tell the teacher and the whole class its going to sing happy birthday to me. I don't like that.

Tonight, my neighbors Arianna Amanda Antonio and Jennifer Antonio came over to celebrate my birthday at 7:00. We played hide and seek. I hid at ht secret spots and no one found me! However, they were really easy to find.

When my neighbors left, things started to get bad. Ella kept fighting with me and she broke the string of my balloon our neighbors gave us (Arianna and Jennifer). Ella was being stubborn that she didn't want to shower and go to sleep. However, we managed a way to get her to go to sleep. Furthermore, the rest of the day was exciting and fun.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bad Day and Good Day

I had a bad and good day today... let me tell you about it

The good news is: The ONLY thing I did in class today was MATH,MATH,MATH. Even during science because my science teacher let my teacher (Mrs.Icart) (First name is Rachel) do math during the science period! Oh, how I miss the experiments. Maybe Mrs.Icart and the science teacher (Mrs.Semenqwitz) wanted my class to do really well on my math state test tomorrow (It's true). I did learn some things today about math the first lesson was pretty easy. I was confused at first, but then I knew what to do and got the hang of it. The lesson was improper fractions. I LOVED this lesson. I will see my score when I get my math test score and my ELA (English language arts) score and I will hope I get a 65 or higher!

The bad news: When I lined up in the hallway at school for Mr.Reverir, someone gave me an attitude and said "look at that girl" I gave a mad face at him. Today at lunch at school, my friend Giya slapped me on the face. Hard. I didn't like it.

Monday, April 13, 2015

My First Post!

My life is an experience. 

On 4/3/15, I had my tonsils removed because I had tonsil stones. I had to breathe through this mask and it made me fall asleep. Then, I slowly woke up and I had to stay at the doctor's for 2 more hours just to be checked! I took steroids for 2 days to help me and then I just went back to medicine. For the past 3 days, it was major pain for me. Today must be the last day because today is the 10th day of pain for me! My mommy had her tonsils removed too when she was 12 or 13.

I am in 3rd grade now. Today I didn't go to school because of the pain. It's hard for me in the mornings however, I'm just fine at afternoon and evening! Only my sister (Ella Morgan Ng) went to school today. When we picked her up from the bus today, guess what she said. "I really missed Audrey today." I heard it and I really missed her too. So quiet without her at home!

Tomorrow is my ELA (English language arts) state test! I hope I pass the ELA state test to go to 4th grade! Let's see how I do...


Hello, this is post #1... Audrey wanted to start a new blog to write down her thoughts everyday. This will also help her become a better writer and practice her typing. She can already type at an astounding speed of 40+WPM -- correctly, not too bad for an 8 year old!