Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bad Day and Good Day

I had a bad and good day today... let me tell you about it

The good news is: The ONLY thing I did in class today was MATH,MATH,MATH. Even during science because my science teacher let my teacher (Mrs.Icart) (First name is Rachel) do math during the science period! Oh, how I miss the experiments. Maybe Mrs.Icart and the science teacher (Mrs.Semenqwitz) wanted my class to do really well on my math state test tomorrow (It's true). I did learn some things today about math the first lesson was pretty easy. I was confused at first, but then I knew what to do and got the hang of it. The lesson was improper fractions. I LOVED this lesson. I will see my score when I get my math test score and my ELA (English language arts) score and I will hope I get a 65 or higher!

The bad news: When I lined up in the hallway at school for Mr.Reverir, someone gave me an attitude and said "look at that girl" I gave a mad face at him. Today at lunch at school, my friend Giya slapped me on the face. Hard. I didn't like it.

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