Tuesday, August 31, 2021

it's been a while

ok so last time when i said it was going to be a year since i typed on here again i guess it was true. i'm 15 now. so old right? well not really in my eyes. i think 15 is semi-mature, not quite there yet though. i think 16 is when people take you seriously for your age. anyways, i just moved to irvine, california. i don't know how i feel about it. it's pretty chill here but it doesn't have the same feeling as nyc. i can't just go out and walk to dunkin donuts in 10 mins or see my friend that lives 10 mins away as well. the school here is pretty chill here too i guess. i like how there are breaks implemented every 1-2 classes. i don't have any friends yet though and this is the 3rd week of school. i don't even know how to make friends like i try to speak louder bc i know that i'm a quiet speaker but i think i just come off as aggressive when i do that :/.  i guess i don't really need friends at my school since it's mainly just lunch and breaks where you interact and it's not like nyc where you look lonely at the lunch table so that's a plus. i'm really hoping that i make friends at clubs and i probably will since they share similar interests with me. i also want the school to close really badly because the homework is really stressing me out. 

today i found out about Titan, a one of saturn's moons. it's the closest thing in the solar system to earth, meaning that humans could actually live there. the only differences are that it's much colder and there are higher level of nitrogen. it has also been proven that life is possible there. i can't wait for the future to see what happens in the solar system. 

i said i would do stock trading and stuff over the summer but i guess that wasn't true either 

let's see when i'll write on here again maybe in a couple of weeks or even a year who knows lmao


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