Friday, August 21, 2020


 Heyyyy, I'm back. I'm 14's been about a year since I've blogged on here. 

12 year old me really thought that 13 was old and such a big number while I'm 14 over here and I still think that I'm considered a baby to adults. To be frank, I think that 16-17 is when people start to think that you're actually getting older. The point where people don't think you're a baby anymore. 

My family is talking about moving to California since the weather and schools are amazing there. It's also because I didn't get into a good high school.  I really regret my decisions in 6th grade, I had the chance to be a whole new person and ace middle school, but I blew it. I would say that I'm above average in terms of intelligence (NOT STREET SMARTS LOL) because I don't put in a ton of effort into my school work very often but I'm still one of the top students in my class, while some students work a lot harder than me and aren't top students of the class, which I feel is pretty unfair to be honest. I'm blessed to be somewhat naturally smart. 

So yeah, about high school..I got into Aviation High School at first which is actually pretty good but then I switched to Thomas A Edison High School because Avi is far and the percentage of girls at that school is 20%. I regret my decision once again because I don't even need to travel to school since we're in quarantine now. Sigh. 

I've noticed over these past years that I'm starting to have really deep thoughts. I'm starting to think more about my future and the bigger picture of life. I don't think I'm going to be as happy as I am now in 10 years because I'm probably going to have a lot more stress put on me than I do now because of adult responsibilities. 

We're in quarantine now, and it's been really boring. But, I'm also glad that I don't have to go to school in person. I think that I learn better at home :). I got a 99 in math while learning in quarantine.

Speaking about quarantine, I've been watching a lot of Running Man lately. I don't think I'll ever stop watching it (unless something bad happens to the show). It's been keeping me entertained and sane during these times. My favorite members are Jeon So Min and Lee Kwang Soo. I don't understand why people hate So Min. It kind of hurts me to see her get so much hate. The more and more I find out about her, the more I look up to her. She can dance, write lyrics, write books, act, entertain, and so much more. She's my inspiration :)

Since I've been watching a lot of Running Man, I've been trying to learn Korean. It's really hard since I can't find any good free apps to learn from, so I've been using Duolingo. I think I've learned a decent amount of Korean so far because I can read some Korean comments on YT. I hope I can be able to learn more.

That's all I have to say for now. I'll probably write here again soon, but it's not guaranteed. I bet I'll be 16 when I come back lol

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