Sunday, September 10, 2023

2enior 4ear

 ok so i didn't disappear for 6 months let's goooo

yeah senior year has been rough so far. i had to drop ap lang because i did not understand anything in that class (well technically not everything but most of it), like how are you supposed to use aristotle's canons to analyze a eulogy of president reagan's passing? I'm starting to get major imposter syndrome too, ig this is what being a woman in stem feels like. i was literally one of the worst scorers on my first ap physics c quiz. i would have been more upset if i was the lowest scorer though so honestly I'm ok. I'll just do better on the next one since I barely studied for this one. and I'm not trying to give myself excuses for doing poorly either, i was genuinely really busy with ap lang (so happy I dropped it) and other classes that i just couldn't study. i promise i will do really well on the next one which is on dynamics. also I'm so happy i dropped ap lang because everyone there is such a tryhard and teacher's pets they're just so annoying. I'm with one of my friends now in cp so yayyyy

since my last post in july, i've learned so much regarding cs and programming knowledge. i can build a website on my own, obviously i don't memorize what to type for a function, style, or HTML structure, but i basically understand everything so i just need to use references to help me build it. i think I'm pretty on track with college applications too. i just need to refine my common app essay. the uc piq's are pretty straightforward; i've started brainstorming for all of them and i have a gist of what I'm gonna write about for each one. for my supplemental, it should take me a couple of hours for each school to research so i think those will be fine too. I'm just gonna write some manifestations here: everything is going to be alright, i will get into a good university, everything is going to work out in the end.

oh yeah and tomorrow i have 3 interviews. on the same day. you know what that's just great. i literally had my schedule open from the 11th to 22nd and they all decided to team up on me and book it on the same day :D. i hope i get multiple internship offers. god I'm so nervous

i will try to update soon. (by soon i mean in a couple of months)