Monday, January 2, 2023

jan 2, 2023

it's 2023! and it's also been over a year since i wrote on here. i can't believe time passed so fast between then. i am very proud to announce to my 2021 self that i now have friends :'). i honestly forgot what it felt like to have friends from 2020 - early 2022. i was simply talking to one person or none at all everyday. i mean i still don't have a lot of friends at school but it's nice to know that i have people to talk to now. and this really puts into perspective how lonely i was in 10th grade. i literally had 0 friends. would cry myself to sleep very often. glad that's over

i wanna go back to nyc... i really miss seeing all my friends and family as well as the atmosphere of the city

i also basically quit tiktok im basically only on instagram reels now haha never thought that would happen

for 2023 i plan to go to the gym and get in shape. i also want to get into a good college. im gonna start exploring the computer science field and try to get as much done as possible before college application szn

life rn is kind of confusing honestly i don't really know if im happy, sad, satisfied, unsatisfied, etc

im also kinda mad how im stuck at 5'5 i really wanna be taller (i promise im not a pick me i genuinely wanna be taller). i guess its not bad tho cuz it's taller than average for a woman? bro if ur a male and under 5'9 dont call me short ur literally below average it doesnt matter if im shorter than u ur still short for a male cuz i would be taller than u if i was a male and u would be shorter than me if u were a female

im prolly gonna read back on this and ask myself why im so concerned about height

my fav artist is grentperez (just wanted to put this here)

ok i think thats all im gonna write for now; see u next time 😈 (whether that be next year or in a couple months idrk)