Saturday, April 20, 2019

Almost 13.

I know nobody sees these blogs, but I think it's important for me to write in these type of things to look back at how badly I used to write lol. 

So I'm in 7th grade now, and it's not as hard as I thought it was. Every single year I say the next year is going to be the hardest of them all, but it just turns out easy peasy. I'm really nervous for 8th grade. It's the year I'm graduating and the last year I'm going to see my friends Matthew Colopelnic and some others. I'm still deciding which high school I want to get into. I hope that my future self gets into a good school. 

Anyways, I'm almost 13 and really excited. It's on a Saturday and I have chinese school which I hope I skip lol. 13 is a big number for me because I'm finally going to become a teenager. 

Sometimes I feel like life is a trick, not only because you die at the end but sometimes there's really no point if you think about it. I know I sound depressed but I'm not. I just feel like it's hard to get where you want to be in life, and you really have to work hard. 

I'm scared of my parents passing away later on in life. That's one of my deepest fears right now. I cry myself to sleep sometimes having that thought in my head, and it's just really depressing to think about, so I'm trying to stay away from that.

Also, I have this instagram called '@cubeogram' but I'm not sure if I should delete it or not. There's no point in having it. It's just a little on the side fun thing to have. 

Sometimes I feel like parents these days don't get kids. They always say how they didn't have electronics back then, but today there's electronics everywhere. The next generation of kids are lucky because I can't say that I didn't have electronics. I wish I was in the next generation. I really do. It's not really my fault that there's electronics everywhere in this house. 

These are just thoughts jumbled in my head right now and I wanted to release them. See ya soon.